assurance health-check house-plan-scale safe coins kitchen support chauffeur washing-machine household tv buying face-mask face-mask-1 social-distancing keep-distance hand-sanitizer liquid-soap hand-sanitizer-1 mop cleaning-tools wifi wifi-signal portfolio briefcase car-park restaurant dumbbell 24h key-card technician washing-machine-1 mail-send email interview meeting-room dry-cleaning dry-cleaning-1 pet-care heart parking concierge stationary-bike cheers location family padlock hand desk lifestyle disability bedroom bed bed-1 house-design public-transport tram-front-view road-with-broken-line taxi front-of-bus phone-call call castle classroom food pharmacy place bathroom card-key check-in-desk room-key greeting chest-of-drawers pillow shield housekeeping vacuum-cleaner tester group amenities people vegetables living-room Living Room best-price children cafe map slumber bed-2 air-conditioner wardrobe blanket landline iron-board cleaning-tools-1 antique-balcony living-room-1 worker easy-installation soldier globe checklist living-room-2 document no-fee newspaper call-center coffee-machine condiments replacement work-from-home team

About Us

It’s In Our DNA

Delivering seamless experiences for our long stay residents

The team at Aligned Corporate Residences and Corporate Living Accommodation have been providing serviced apartment accommodation to domestic and international residents for many years.

We live and breathe hospitality. Everything we do aligns us to deliver exemplary service and a seamless customer experience. We are passionate about leaving a positive lasting impression.

It's in our DNA, Delivering Seamless Experiences For Our Long Stay Residents
Aligned Corporate Residences, More Than Just Serviced Apartments

More than just serviced apartments

All those years of experience have taught us many things. The most important… that residents staying for an extended period need more than just a serviced apartment. You need a place that gives you comfort. A place where you feel safe, secure and welcome, where you belong.

A place to call home when you are away from yours.

We work with our clients to understand the housing needs and expectations of our residents. Why? Because we offer aligned, tailored solutions designed to create the best extended stay experience possible for those in residence with us.

Tailored Accommodation and Personalised Service

We focus on aligning our accommodation and personalising our offering to each of our residents. We curate your serviced apartment to reflect who you are and what you need during your residency with us. Whether that’s must-have kitchen appliances, HDMI cables, an ergonomic office chair, a baby’s cot, indoor plants, or linen bed sheets.

Our mission is to create the best version of home possible when you need to stay away for an extended period.

Our dedicated team of accommodation and customer service specialists will have you feeling at home and living like a local in no time. Find out more about the Aligned Corporate Residences and Corporate Living Accommodation difference or complete this enquiry form to get in touch with our team today.

Aligned Corporate Residences, Tailored Accommodation And Personalised Service