assurance health-check house-plan-scale safe coins kitchen support chauffeur washing-machine household tv buying face-mask face-mask-1 social-distancing keep-distance hand-sanitizer liquid-soap hand-sanitizer-1 mop cleaning-tools wifi wifi-signal portfolio briefcase car-park restaurant dumbbell 24h key-card technician washing-machine-1 mail-send email interview meeting-room dry-cleaning dry-cleaning-1 pet-care heart parking concierge stationary-bike cheers location family padlock hand desk lifestyle disability bedroom bed bed-1 house-design public-transport tram-front-view road-with-broken-line taxi front-of-bus phone-call call castle classroom food pharmacy place bathroom card-key check-in-desk room-key greeting chest-of-drawers pillow shield housekeeping vacuum-cleaner tester group amenities people vegetables living-room Living Room best-price children cafe map slumber bed-2 air-conditioner wardrobe blanket landline iron-board cleaning-tools-1 antique-balcony living-room-1 worker easy-installation soldier globe checklist living-room-2 document no-fee newspaper call-center coffee-machine condiments replacement work-from-home team


Careers at Aligned Corporate Residences

We live and breathe hospitality and are passionate about leaving a positive, lasting impression. Our team genuinely loves making a positive difference in everyday moments. We’re all unique, and we share our personalities and interests with our colleagues and our customers to build authentic connections.

Caring for customers is second nature, and we understand that service is not just about one moment; small gestures along the way make the most significant differences. Our team members are intentional in everything we do, and our attention to detail is something we take great pride in.

If this sounds like you, we look forward to receiving your application for one of our job vacancies. Browse our current employment opportunities below and apply through the relevant job website.

ACR is proud to be a workplace that champions diversity, inclusion and equality for our team and community. We believe our people should feel safe, included, and supported to be our best. We encourage passionate, customer-focused people from all backgrounds, abilities, and identities to apply for our vacancies.

Global Account Manager

Commerce Enterprises Management Pty Ltd

Hawthorn, Melbourne VIC

Account & Relationship Management (Sales)

Full time

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All of our positions are currently filled. Please check back again soon.