assurancehealth-checkhouse-plan-scalesafecoins kitchensupport chauffeurwashing-machinehouseholdtvbuyingface-maskface-mask-1social-distancingkeep-distancehand-sanitizerliquid-soaphand-sanitizer-1mopcleaning-toolswifi wifi-signalportfoliobriefcase car-parkrestaurantdumbbell24hkey-card technicianwashing-machine-1mail-sendemail interviewmeeting-roomdry-cleaningdry-cleaning-1pet-careheartparkingconcierge stationary-bikecheerslocationfamilypadlockhanddesklifestyledisabilitybedroom bedbed-1house-designpublic-transporttram-front-viewroad-with-broken-linetaxifront-of-busphone-callcall castleclassroom foodpharmacy placebathroomcard-keycheck-in-deskroom-keygreetingchest-of-drawerspillowshield housekeepingvacuum-cleanertestergroup amenitiespeoplevegetablesliving-roomLiving Roombest-pricechildrencafemapslumber bed-2air-conditioner wardrobe blanketlandlineiron-boardcleaning-tools-1antique-balconyliving-room-1workereasy-installationsoldierglobechecklistliving-room-2documentno-feenewspapercall-centercoffee-machinecondimentsreplacementwork-from-hometeam

Tailored Accommodation for Healthcare Professionals and Patients

Conveniently Located Fully Furnished Accommodation for Your Extended Stay Needs.

Aligned Corporate Residences are experienced at providing temporary relocation accommodation to travelling healthcare professionals, locums and those travelling for medical treatment.

Our tailored accommodation and personalised service make the process of finding and settling into your serviced apartment or townhouse easy. Feel safe, secure, comfortable and supported during your residency with us.

Contact an ACR Accommodation Specialist

Long Stay Accommodation For Travelling Healthcare Professionals And Patients

Long Stay Accommodation For Travelling Healthcare Professionals and Patients.

As a leading accredited NDIS accommodation provider in Australia, we understand that travelling healthcare professionals have specific needs. Our team has extensive experience providing extended stay accommodation to travelling specialists, medical practitioners, locums, nurses, agency and healthcare professionals, and patients travelling for medical treatment.

We know that temporarily relocating to a new location when you’re a travelling healthcare professional, or patient about to receive medical treatment can be a stressful process. Rest assured, the health and safety of our guests and our team is our primary focus. We have robust guidelines, stringent protocols and practices in place to protect your wellbeing.

Our serviced apartments and townhouses provide convenience and proximity to a number of hospitals, treatment centres, care and wellness facilities in Queensland and Victoria. Our personalised approach delivers the best accommodation for your needs, tailored to individual residents.

Our Locations

Temporary Accommodation That Feels Like Home

Each of our residences is a spacious, fully furnished serviced apartment or townhouse, carefully designed with the long stay resident in mind.Our focus on privacy, safety and comfort creates a place that really feels like home, where our residents can truly unwind.

We understand how important it is to have space to move freely in your home. Our thoughtfully designed residences offer one, two or three-bedroom options for those travelling solo, with family, or with a carer or escort. Our accessible residences provide additional features including roll-in showers and grab rails, and cater for those who use mobility aids.

To find out more about how Aligned Corporate Residences can assist you with your healthcare extended stay accommodation needs, contact our accommodation specialists.

Contact Us

More than just serviced apartments

Our mission is to create the best version of home possible when you need to stay away for an extended period.

What sets Aligned Corporate Residences apart from other serviced apartment providers is our focus on tailoring our residences to the individual needs of our guests.

Our accommodation specialists will do everything they can to ensure your transition from home to your new location is seamless, by curating your residence to suit your needs, right down to the colour bed linen you like. We’ll even tell you the best place to go for your morning coffee.

Learn more about the Aligned Corporate Residences difference.

Learn more about the Aligned Corporate Residences difference

Aligned Corporate Residences, More Than Just Serviced Apartments